La protection des textes

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19 Déc 2016 13:15 #11 par Kaliom Ludo
Réponse de Kaliom Ludo sur le sujet La protection des textes
Je peux compléter un peu le sujet, vu qu'on parlait de la facilité de vendre un livre sur Amazon. J'ai eu la joie ce week-end qu'Amazon me bloque la nouvelle version papier d'Erem, pour me demander de prouver que j'avais bien le droit de publier ce livre.
Ça m'a pas mal fait râler (niveau timing, ça ne m'arrange pas), mais ils semblent donc bel et bien mieux surveiller ce qu'ils publient.

Je vous copie ci-dessous le mail que j'ai reçu pour vous donner une meilleure idée :

Hello Ludovic,

I am contacting you regarding the following content:

Title: Quatre enquetes d'Erem de l'Ellipse
Author(s): Boulanger, Anthony
Title ID: 6588765

Copyright is important to us – we want to make sure that no author or other copyright holder has their books claimed or sold by anyone else. Your content appears to have been published before, therefore this material has been suppressed through your account until we can confirm you hold the necessary rights to publish your book.

You can verify your publication rights by providing the information listed below. If your content is a collection of works, the same information is required for each individual work in the collection.

1. A contract or statement from the author or publisher verifying you retain publishing rights.
2. If you are NOT the author, please state that you hold publishing rights to this material, and provide any documents from the author(s) or other copyright owners which confirm your rights.
3. If you determine that the work you wish to publish is in the public domain, please provide:
a. The initial publication date and original country of publication;
b. The first and last name of each author and translator, including the dates of death;
c. The URL to the online resource(s) used to obtain this information.

Please reply to If you have an inquiry unrelated to the rights review status of your titles, please continue to direct it to our Member Support team via email or telephone at .

To ensure a faster response, please reply directly to this email and include the following reference ID in your reply: ref:00D31Sh9.5003900001kJ5xw:ref

I hope to hear back from you soon.


The Content Validation Request Team

Best regards,

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